Saturday 12 September 2009

During one of our craft days Mum, Tuft and Me set a challenge, each providing the others with a few items that all of us had to use, along with our own stuff
The main item was a little money envelope (about 3") which the others decorated gorgeously, but I decided to fold mine like a little wallet so that it opened like a tiny book and then decorated all the pages, front and back and added an extra tag in the open flap for the message

The message I wrote was an anniversary one to my sister and her husband, because she said she loved it very very much and wanted to copy it!! Fantastic! cos I almost always copy her :)

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The Princess in the Tower

The Princess in the Tower
This picture frame was a challenge set by my sister, and one that I didn't really think through properly before I started, and so ended up looking exactly like most of my things do. I'm told it called `having a style` but sometimes I bore myself silly! The little doors on the card do actually close, which is nice, but pointless if there's a picture inside :)

Matchbox miniature

Matchbox miniature
This tiny matchbox ...

...holds the key... my heart...

Artist Trading Cards

Artist Trading Cards
Although intended to share,

I can rarely part with my ATC,s xx

...this tiny oval box measures just over an inch long.

...and this little heart shaped box is just the right size to hold 3 or 4 delicious chocolate truffles for a special someone ..x