Wednesday 5 August 2009

My blogging inadequacies

My daughter tells me I'm using one of the most simple blog making things available, and yet I find it stressful to say the least. My pictures seem to have a mind of their own size and position wise.
I wish I could make the whole thing in a word document, I'm good at that! At least I am amusing my son, who finds me 'higgledy piggledy'!
I am also told that I should blog daily, and whilst normally I have more than enough to say, I don't have as much to type.
I will strive to improve and will upload more pictures imminently, and will try to type crafty words of wisdom and delight.

Karen Amanda xx


  1. lolol you should get a banner, then you can have what u liked at the top

  2. Daily bloggin might be a pressure - it's meant to be fun! Us crafters like it when you share what you've been making though - be kind to yourself and blog when you want to!


The Princess in the Tower

The Princess in the Tower
This picture frame was a challenge set by my sister, and one that I didn't really think through properly before I started, and so ended up looking exactly like most of my things do. I'm told it called `having a style` but sometimes I bore myself silly! The little doors on the card do actually close, which is nice, but pointless if there's a picture inside :)

Matchbox miniature

Matchbox miniature
This tiny matchbox ...

...holds the key... my heart...

Artist Trading Cards

Artist Trading Cards
Although intended to share,

I can rarely part with my ATC,s xx

...this tiny oval box measures just over an inch long.

...and this little heart shaped box is just the right size to hold 3 or 4 delicious chocolate truffles for a special someone ..x